Home Education Google Updates Article Structured Data Guidelines

Google Updates Article Structured Data Guidelines

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Google Updates Article Structured Data Guidelines

The Google team has updated its structured data guidelines for articles. This new section explains the different markup options for articles, and which to use where.

This new section explains the different markup options for articles, and which to use where.

If you want to use structured data for your article, blog post or news article, here are some of the markup options:

  • Use schema.org/Article for articles. This is how Google recommends that you mark up your content. It’s also what they recommend in their help center article on structured data markup tips for publishing online content and building an audience around it (https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1375963).
  • Use schema.org/BlogPosting if you’re blogging about something specific to your site (for example, a product review), but not if it’s just another post on your homepage with no relation whatsoever to anything else there at all that would be confusing! And no matter what kind of site it is, because this markup has nothing at all specific about where something comes from inside whatever media source that source might be (like YouTube videos), then even though most people don’t get confused by this kind of thing very often anymore now after all these years’ worth more research has gone into understanding why those two examples above aren’t compatible with each other… but still really should never mix up anyway because otherwise we’ll end up like those ridiculous movie directors who made so many awful movies together back when nobody knew anything about filmmaking yet except maybe how hard it was being one person making everything themselves alone without any help from anyone else whatsoever except maybe sometimes maybe somebody else might come along later down later down after now during these moments when everyone else stops paying attention again except just me myself myself myself me!
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Rich Cards capability for AMP pages

Rich Cards are now available for AMP pages. Rich Cards enable you to display structured data in search results, so you can make your content more engaging and informative. You can use Rich Cards to display information about a product, an organization, a person or place.

Rich Cards were first introduced by Google in December 2017 as part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) features that allow websites with high quality content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The latest update allows AMP publishers who use Google Analytics Premium plan or Premium Plan+ to create rich cards on their website based on their site analytics data collected over time.

Rich cards provide marketers with an opportunity for engaging with customers directly through the medium of mobile devices without compromising on user experience by removing ads from SERPs themselves.

In the “Common mistakes” section, there’s a new mistake about not marking up items that are not visible to users.

In this case, you should add the following tag when it’s appropriate: link text

If you’re unsure if a link is visible or not, check out Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool (Beta). It will show which pages have already been marked up with structured data and which ones need it before publishing content on your website.

Sitelinks Search Box can now be used with AMP pages.

The AMP Search Box appears in the top right corner of a page and can be used to search for articles that are available on your site. You can also use it to identify news and other content you want to share.

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This feature is not new, but we’ve recently updated our guidelines for sitelinks so they’re clearer on how they work and how they relate to AMP pages.

Here’s how it works: When you click on one of these links at the top of your article or blog post, Google will take you directly to that specific piece’s source (the original publication). If you click through from another source, such as Twitter or Facebook, then those links will open up with their associated social media platforms instead!

Summary of updates

The updated guidelines include:

  • Rich cards, which can be displayed on apps and websites to provide additional information about an article or the author. For example, you might show the user’s profile picture and short bio in a rich card when they click on your blog post about how to grow plants indoors in winter.
  • AMP pages are now allowed as part of your structured data markup. This means that you can use AMP markup to link directly from your site’s content to relevant AMP sites without needing Google’s approval first (though we still recommend following our guidelines for linking out). A full list of approved properties is available here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7215717?hl=en-US&ref_topic=34278046#cid=0

Google has updated its article structured data guidelines.

  • New section on AMP pages (AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, a project to make web pages load faster).
  • New section on Rich Cards.
  • New section on Sitelinks Search Box.

You can find this information in the following sections:


We’re excited to see how these updated guidelines will impact the online world, and we hope they help you create more engaging content for readers.

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