Home Business & Finance All the Knowledge You Need about RPL

All the Knowledge You Need about RPL

All the Knowledge You Need about RPL

Are you someone who recently stumbled upon the phrase: recognition of prior learning (RPL) and are now wondering what it is all about? Let’s start from the basics. Interestingly, out of 650,000 program enrolments in 2017, almost 4 percent of them were done using RPL entirely.

If you’re still confused about what it entails and is all about, then keep reading. All the secrets will soon be unveiled to you!

What Exactly is RPL?

So, RPL is basically taking all the skills and knowledge you have acquired through your work or other experiences and then transferring them to your training course requirements. That’s a hefty definition, for sure! However, you need not feel confused.

When you start your training or apprenticeship with a registered body, recognition of prior learning can take place in the beginning for your benefit. It happens through credit transfer and aids in your formal education. 

What are the Benefits of RPL?

Now that you know the building blocks of what recognition of prior learning is, we can now move on to its benefits. There are so many that a list to write them down is in order.

Make Your CV Stand Out

Imagine you are an employer. Whom would you prefer: a person who has the relevant qualifications mentioned on their CV, or a person who claims it? It is probably an easy question to answer. This is why having proper qualifications becomes crucial for your professional success.

Having proper certifications on your CV improves your chances of landing your dream job. Now, who wouldn’t want that?

Make More Money

Probably everyone you talk to would love to earn more money in their life and become financially stable and secure. If you want to have higher revenue, then it is vital to show that you have the proper qualifications for it.

To become more valuable to your employer, you need to show credible proof of your skills. In this way, you can negotiate your way to a higher salary. Sounds good, doesn’t it? 

Save Your Money

Imagine spending hours of your time in college classes and thousands of dollars on tuition fees and then not landing a decent job. That would be heart-breaking. Instead, you can opt for recognition of prior learning and save your time and money in a heartbeat. 

Work smarter, not harder!

Save on Time

Guess what? Applying for qualification through recognition of prior learning is generally the quickest way! It should only take you 4 to 6 weeks, and honestly, that’s pretty amazing.

What are the Challenges RPL Implementation Faces?

There are a few challenges that recognising prior learning can face when it comes to higher education. Here are a few listed down below:

  • Workplace evidence of your knowledge can be hard to find
  • If your assessors are inexperienced, you might not be able to have your recognition of prior learning assessed properly
  • The fee structure used cannot be generic 
  • All the admission policy guidelines need to be changed to be inclusive 

Final Words

Now that you know all about recognising prior learning, you can go ahead and implement everything that you have read and assess yourself. Don’t be an inexperienced individual in this highly competitive age. You can do it! All the best.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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