Home Automobiles What to do when you are locked out of your car?

What to do when you are locked out of your car?


There can be many situations where you are locked out of your vehicle because you accidentally leave the keys inside. It can be difficult because you might be on a busy or dangerous road. It is quite a common occurrence everywhere; in the United States, there is approximately 16000 car, and home lock-out cases registered every day. 

Many people adopt different types of ways to get out of this situation, but some ways can be dangerous as they can lead to structural damage to the house or car and even cause injuries. However, many companies have started manufacturing products like a lock out kit that contains all tools to open your locked vehicle without damaging windows and doors. Some people think that it is not a big deal to get lock-out out of a car; you can call a mechanic to get it solved. But the truth is, it can take hours for a mechanic to come, and you might get stuck in a difficult situation by that time. Hence, there has to be an emergency solution always available for you. 

The following points list some ways you can use to get out of a lock-out situation:

Carry your spare key 

You get a spare key with every vehicle you purchase, but most people keep these spare keys tucked away in their houses. You must carry it with you so that if you accidentally lock the primary key inside your car, you can simply open your car using the spare key. However, it is important to keep the spare key in a bag that you always keep with you; otherwise, you will lock the spare key along with your primary key in the car. 

Use the app

Many people get impressed with the auto-locking mobile app feature that comes with some vehicles, but they forget to sign into these applications. If you sign into these apps the moment you purchase your vehicle, it will help you when you accidentally get locked out of your car, as you will be able to open it using the mobile application. 

Unlock with a string

Many old vehicles have such lock systems that can be opened with the help of a string or a fishing line. So, if your vehicle has such locks, then you can carry a string with you so that you can open your car lock in case of lock-out situations. 

Use clothes hanger

You must have seen in many movies that the character opens a locked car using a wire-cloth hanger. It is a difficult way but it can be possible if done with precision and focus. You will have to straighten it and then insert it inside the door frame near the lock button to open it. 

Carry a lock out kit

Many companies have started manufacturing lock out kits to help people in accidental lock-out situations. These kits have all the necessary tools and a guidebook to help you open your car lock immediately. 

Call a mechanic

If you fail to use any of the above ways to open your car lock, then you can call a mechanic who will use tools like an inflatable pump wedge, sturdy plastic tool, or other auto entry tools to disengage the locks. However, it can be time-consuming because the mechanic might delay in appearing. So, the best way to immediately open the lock is to carry a lock out kit with you. 

These points list some ways you can use to solve the vehicle lock-out problem. But the best way is to find a lock out kit seller online and purchase one for yourself.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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